Cats and dogs.

I have cats as companions. Some people call them pets. I like the term and have no problem with it. We share our home and our lives. However some people don't think of cats and dogs in the same way as I and most of the British population do. There are places where our closest furry friends are eaten. Is is not simply the eating that is offensive, it is the treatment of the animals prior to being consumed. In the slightly more "civilised" world where people do still eat animals there are often laws and some controls on the level of cruelty pain and torture inflicted on them. In countries where they also eat cats and dogs there is not. These same countries are also often the ones that have the worst human rights records, where they treat fellow homosapiens no different to the way they treat animals. This is someones pet dog. It has been stolen, tied and bagged ready to be slaughtered for food by mentally ill people who think they have the right to do thi...