We are all Earthlings

The three stages of truth
violent opposition


14:40 euthanasia of the dogs made me cry.
15:00 gas chambers full of stray cats, made me so angry.
17:55 I shouted NO NO at the screen and had to walk away for a few minutes.

I am ashamed to be a human.

 The screen shot above is from the film. It is of a dog being put in a rubbish truck and being crushed.

The is the last moments of the poor animals life.

This is only 18 minutes into the film.

If you have a conscience, you need to watch this film and reflect on the contents.

There is no other single film I've ever seen that can change the heart of a human being.

Watching it through to the end is not easy. It broke my heart.

If this film doesn't change your views on animal exploitation, then I pity you.

If you don't believe that 1 hour and 34 minutes of film can change your life, then watch this.

I am in 100% agreement with the following quote:

"If I could make everyone in the world see one film,
I'd make them see EARTHLINGS."

- Peter Singer

EARTHLINGS is a 2005 American documentary film about humankind's total dependence on animals for economic purposes.  Presented in five chapters (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research) the film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby, and was written, produced and directed by Shaun Monson.


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