I am offended.

Halal & kosher slaughter.

From all my previous posts I already think everyone will have a pretty good idea of my opinions on Halal & kosher ritual slaughter of animals.

However halal & kosher go beyond the ignorance of regular meat eaters.
It takes the obscenity to a whole new level.

For any human (sub-human in many cases) to think that because their god said in some ridiculous made up book that he wants you to kill his creations is acceptable to do so, is to me mentally deranged.

Years back I was involved in an anti halal protest outside a halal butchers shop, where they regularly slaughtered poor little lambs and sheep in the yard out back.

I was called a racist, a facist and a nazi because I was trying to be a voice for beings that have no voice of their own, other than their screams of pain and terror.

This is a picture inside a slaughter house.
The poor creatures have to watch and listen to the screams of their companions.
Don't forget the smell of the blood, shit and piss
It is barbaric.

It's going to be a short post about ritual slaughter, because I barely have words to describe how grotesque this is.

In the UK unstunned slaughter is banned, unless it is for religious reasons.

Please someone tell me how any god can request of his subjects to administer such a foul death to one of his creations.

I don't believe in God/jehovah/allah whatever.
But if I did I would not like him very much for permitting this to happen, and I would certainly not pray to any diety that requires this of his believers.

Religious slaughter is disgusting. I cannot and will not associate with people who believe that this is acceptable.

One day someone will call me islamophobic because I don't agree with letting people have this level of freedom of religion.
I am not islamophobic.
I do not have any irrational fear of islam or the fools that follow the ideolgy.

In my heart I don't care what your religious beliefs are.

People can believe in any diety they want, but when it is declared in their religion they they have to commit acts of brutality and murder, that is what I object to.

I am offended.

Offended that the weak government in the UK which has laws in place to minimise suffering to animals, gives these monsters a loophole to torture other sentient beings simply because of their  pathetic religion.

When someone tells me that they are muslim and that they fully believe in halal slaughter then I am offended.
The same is true of kosher slaughter, it's just that halal is a 1000 times more prolific.

My morals, my ethics and if it could be described as a religion, then my religion is offended by these people and their activities.

My beliefs are more powerful and more reality based than any religious ones.

Islam, Judaism and Christianity are based on faith in the possibility of a God, and a selfish desire to go to heaven when you die.

There is no compassion for sentient beings and the word love is not even in the koran.

My belief is that all life is sacred.

I believe we should have compassion for others whether animal or man.
I believe that torturing an animal then slitting it's throat is cruel and unnecessary.
I also know that animals feel pain, they feel fear and they can suffer.

My beliefs are based on selflessness and proven fact.

Islam is based on selfishness and a misguided belief that followers of the barbaric ideology will go to heaven.

 As a not very good Buddhist, I know what my spiritual life challenge is.

The biggest challenge in my life is to show compassion to those that have no compassion themselves.


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