Go on, ask my why I don't eat animals.

Hey, I hear you're a vegetarian.
Why do you not eat meat?

Hi, inqusitive person.
I don't eat meat for one simple reason.
There are no complex dietary reasons.
There is no religious reason, although many enlightened Asian religions abstain from eating flesh.

My reason is simple.

I don't eat animals because I believe that to kill another living sentient being is ethically wrong.
To then chop up the dead body and eat selected body parts is revolting beyond imagination.

We as the "highest" animal have the ability to choose.
We can reason and make choices.
Not just instinctive choices but moral ones too.
We can determine the difference between what is Right and what is not.

My belief is that all life is sacred, be it Man, cow, pig, cat or fish.
Each being has the spark of life in it.
Whether the animal has a brain the size of a hummingbird, or a spermwhale.

The singularly most amazing thing in creation. Life.

Sentience is subjective.
Plants are not sentient. They have the ability to transfer electrical signals between cells to a point, but have no collections of nerves that would constitue a brain, or an insects ganglion.

I found this line on a forum:
Plants don't have central nervous systems for the same reason fungi, microbes and sea sponges don't: they didn't evolve in those groups, and didn't need to.

Man has evolved beyond the paleolithic period physically, mentally and morally.
Our caveman ancestors were little more than upright animals.
We've all seen the films of chimps working as a team to catch another monkey species, then tear it apart and eat it.
That is paleolithic man minus the donning of the dead animals skin for warmth.

A chimpanze is an omnivore.
It has the ability to catch, kill and eat raw a multiude of birds and animals.

We as modern man evolved down a different path.
From about 1.5 millions years ago when there is the first evidence for the use of fire, the human digestive system changed. 

We can no longer eat raw dead animals flesh bones and guts without making ourselves very very ill.
Our guts have evolved to eat cooked meat.

We are the only animal alive that are categorised as omnivores but cannot eat their prey animal raw.

In more recent history our brains also evolved further.
We developed family, friends, a social structure.
Slowly man has evolved the ability to make decisions based on evidence over instinct.

Man came to understand the value of life and the fear of death. 

We have come to see that we feel pain and fear.
Some people have also realised that other creatures feel pain and fear.

These further evolved creatures often make an evidence based informed decision to inflict as little pain fear and suffering on all living creatures, man or non man.

They think that because they have the ability to choose whether to hurt another creature or not, that they should choose not to do so.

This is moral evolution. 

Can I ask you a question too?

Of course you can.

Why do you think that it is morally acceptable, given than most people now realise that animals feel pain fear and can suffer in much the same way as we do, to take the life of another for the purpose of eating them?


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