How much does a pint of milk cost?

A good question.

In the shops a pint of milk will cost you 45 pence.

But what is the real cost?

Cows are mammals just like female humans, they only lactate when they have a baby to feed. 


A milk producing cow will spend it's life being mechanically raped, so she gets pregnant and gives birth to a calf that is immediately taken away, just so she will lactate and produce milk for us to consume.

This will happen repeatedly throughout the animals life until her milk production reduces to a level where it is not deemed financially worthwhile to keep her.

The cow will then be killed.

What about her babies?

After she is raped with a machine and impregnated,  she will start to lactate.
At the point of delivery, the calf is taken from her and either (if it's a boy) put in a box to produce veal, or if it's a girl either killed or put in a cage and fed until she is old enough to join her mother in being mechanically raped throughout her life and having her babies taken from her.

So what is the real cost of a pint of milk?


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