Post covid indoctrination.

 I'm back.

After a couple of weird years for the world, where so many of our freedoms and rights have been taken away by our fascist governments, I look forward (not enthusiastically) to a time when not only are we told what to put in our bodies, or where we're allowed to go, or what we wear when we do venture outside our homes, but what we must eat. Oh... hang on, they are now doing just that with all this "Eat zee bugs" WEF bollocks. I'm thinner, slightly more broken physically, but still hanging in there with my diet and vegan lifestyle.

The supermarket shelves have changed immensely. Pop into any of the big 4/5 stores and you'll see rows of new funky vegan delights. Unfortunately many of these also proudly proclaim to be Gluten free.

Why is this?

Why have the vegan food producing companies jumped on the Gluten free bandwagon? Gluten intolerance and Celiac disease are fortunately quite rare conditions. Celiac disease is very rare, and those who do suffer from this horrible condition have my deepest sympathy. However 99.99% of people who run about claiming to suffer from this or from Gluten intolerance simply do not. They are waving yet another flag of self importance and suffer from nothing more severe than a case of "Look at me" syndrome. I think it's called virtue signalling in the modern world.

My problem with this is that the companies are promoting Gluten free Vegan food, yet Gluten is a wonderfully healthy plant protein that has been a staple of my own diet for decades. I'm thinking back to the first time I bought a can of Mock Duck from the local Chinese Supermarket. Simply gorgeous stuff. Now most vegan foods proudly claim they are Gluten free, which means Vegans are now no longer gaining the benefits of this once easily obtainable highly nutritious food.

So the "Do what we command or else" mentality of government is pushing more "reports" about how people should eat less meat (I thought this could only be a good thing) yet are taking away the very foods that enable a meat free diet to be healthy in the first place.

I for one will not ever eat zee bugs, or the maggots or the meal worms. They are living creatures too.


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