Sad that you're not vegan. (Note to my girlfriend)

I'm so saddened that you think the the most important belief I hold in my whole life is boring and you can just dismiss it.

I do not believe that you have the ability to understand what I have said to you so many times.

You have been told and had all the facts about cruelty, torture, enslavement, mass murder and abuse and you just don't understand what I'm saying.

I do not understand why you don't see it.
I cannot get my head around what you say about this. Where you say " I won't be bullied into changing".
I don't want to change you, I want you to understand that when you say that you think it is fine/ok/justifiable to abuse, torture and brutally murder a beautiful living innocent animal, that it makes me sick.

It makes me so sad that you don't see, understand or care about how I feel, and more so that you just don't give a damn about the thousands of animals that have died as a direct result of your desire to eat their body parts.

You said that you were struggling months ago about the fact that we have different political opinions, and that you didn't know if you could be with someone who had such a different set of views.
Well how do you think I feel when the person I love more than any other says to me that she feels it is totally acceptable to kill and dismember an innocent animal so you can eat bits of it?

I wanted you to understand, but you just don't.
I don't know why you don't care.
I don't know why you think I want to change you.
I don't.
I want you to understand why you should change for yourself, for me and most importantly for the thousands of lives that will be saved from a lifetime of pain if only you had the ability to understand that you are directly responsible for all those deaths.


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