Nearly 2 years down the line.

I've been quiet. Had a very busy year and got a little unwell too. I mention that only because it is relevant to my lifestyle choices.

Come the end of 2019, I will have been as near as I could manage, a vegan for 2 full years.
It's weird because I was what as near as could be described a vegan anyway, with a few cheesy interludes for over 30 years.

Still, being vegan has been an experience.
As mentioned elsewhere, diet is a bit restrictive, but I've got better at eating more vege and a lot more fruit.
I've lost weight, but as a 50+ male that is probably not a bad thing.
I'm back at serious Kung Fu training again, after a good 3 year layoff due to my crappy hip.

I'm lighter, fitter and brighter minded than I was 2 years ago.
The only issue and it is a BIGGY for vegans, is that I felt a bit unwell and popped to the GP, who informed me following blood tests that I was deficient in vit D.

Now Vitamin D comes from either sunlight, or mainly animal products. Once I finally dropped the cheese from my diet I slowly reduced my vitamin D stores.
Over the first year I felt great, but there was a bit less in the kitty so to speak.
However I have taken a Vit D + Vit K supplement for the past couple of months and I feel great!
This was only to get my levels back up. Once there a simply multivitamin daily fixes all my needs.

A daily vitamin such as effervescent ones in tubes, are perfect as they are suitable for vegans and also contain vegan B12.

Synthetic shoes for work.
Lovely Oaty milk on my museli.
Fried mock duck (gluten) in my stir fries.
I don't ever miss eggs, icky things!

All in all I used to hate the badge "Vegan", but now I'm surer about my opinions and clear on where I sit within the spectrum of "isms".

The only bad thing is that as I have taught myself to understand why consumption of dairy and eggs is morally backward,
It has turned me further against the consumption of animal body parts.
I need to understand that most people don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the moral and ethical arguments I make against animal consumption.
They are simply too stupid to get their heads around what is shown so clearly to them.
"I may give up meat one day, but I'd never ever give up cheese". Even once someone has seem the horrors and cruelty in the milk industry, they still can't see that the cost of milk paid in the lives and suffering of cows and calves is too high a price.
This as mentioned elsewhere is the difference between ignorance and stupidity.
However, putting the mentally retarded to one side for a minute, I'm very happy with the decision to go the whole hog and drop the dairy.
I will never go back as I have replaced what needed replacing in my diet and now eat better and more varied food than I did before.

100% vegetarian, and probably 99% vegan.


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