God is dead. Long live the lamb.


God damn it.
I have already posted a couple of times about the ignorance of religion.

Until we can either prove that God does not exist, or that god loves all his creations equally, we have to live surrounded by morons/murderers/flesh eating monsters how are so far up themselves, that they believe that their gods want them to eat his divine creations.

I'm sick of seeing Halal certification on every product in the shops.
I don't want to buy a vegetarian product with a halal certified badge on it.
Why are we doing this?
Why are we pandering to a primitive barbaric idology that has set animal rights back 50 years in the UK?

We used to joke years ago about good christian folk who followed the bible to the letter, but they are nothing in comparison to the followers of muhammad, who will follow every word told to them by their imans and "teachers" ( I quote the word teachers, because how can people who know nothing and believe in such foolishness be teachers of others?).

Most followers have never read their holy book.
This might surprise many westerners, but for a true follower, they must only read the book in ancient arabic.
Now your average bengali, somalian or pakistani can't read a word of arabic, and they are forbidden to read a translation into their native languages or into English.

I on the other hand have read their holy book. Read it from cover to cover. Admittedly it was an English translation, so it is not the true word of their god, but it is still as close to first hand and closer than 80% of followers will ever get to seeing and understanding the words.

So I know more about their religion then they do, because I have RTFM, so to speak.

What has this got to do with my vegetarian blog?
Well, simply this 1500 year old ideology is infiltrating and taking over the UK food market.
For a percentage population of less than 3% total, I want to know why 80% if not more of all food products, and 90% or more of all meat sold in the UK is halal certified?

The halal certification requirement means that animals slaughtered by having their throats cut, while some dirty little man is muttering gibberish over it is not just for the 3% muhammadans, but for all meat eaters in the UK.

We as believers in a different ideology, one that's abhors the suffering of living creatures, need to stand up and have our voices heard.

It does not mean I'm anti religion. I'm not going to use the made up phobia word, because that in itself is pandering to their ideology.
I don't care one iota which make believe gods and demons people believe in.
Prey to a rock for all I care. Wipe your arse on 3 stones.
I don't care about the silly book or the people who follow it's morbid contents so blindly.

All I care about is the suffering these people cause to far more worthy and godly creatures than themselves.


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