God is dead. Long live the lamb.
Religion. God damn it. I have already posted a couple of times about the ignorance of religion. Until we can either prove that God does not exist, or that god loves all his creations equally, we have to live surrounded by morons/murderers/flesh eating monsters how are so far up themselves, that they believe that their gods want them to eat his divine creations. I'm sick of seeing Halal certification on every product in the shops. I don't want to buy a vegetarian product with a halal certified badge on it. Why are we doing this? Why are we pandering to a primitive barbaric idology that has set animal rights back 50 years in the UK? We used to joke years ago about good christian folk who followed the bible to the letter, but they are nothing in comparison to the followers of muhammad, who will follow every word told to them by their imans and "teachers" ( I quote the word teachers, because how can people who know nothing and believe in such foolishness be te...