
Showing posts from February, 2018

God is dead. Long live the lamb.

Religion. God damn it. I have already posted a couple of times about the ignorance of religion. Until we can either prove that God does not exist, or that god loves all his creations equally, we have to live surrounded by morons/murderers/flesh eating monsters how are so far up themselves, that they believe that their gods want them to eat his divine creations. I'm sick of seeing Halal certification on every product in the shops. I don't want to buy a vegetarian product with a halal certified badge on it. Why are we doing this? Why are we pandering to a primitive barbaric idology that has set animal rights back 50 years in the UK? We used to joke years ago about good christian folk who followed the bible to the letter, but they are nothing in comparison to the followers of muhammad, who will follow every word told to them by their imans and "teachers" ( I quote the word teachers, because how can people who know nothing and believe in such foolishness be te...

Protein, B12 and other excuses

What about your protein intake? say many people. What about B12? say sudo-smart arses. Well, all that lovely muscle tissue you eat when stuffing burgers and steaks comes for animals that generally don't eat flesh. Pigs being the obvious exception. Where do cows and sheep get all the nutrients to grow so much muscle? I get mine from a varied vegetarian/vegan diet. Initially following the removal of dairy products I was concerned that my protein intake might suffer, but we actually don't require anything like the amount of protein most people consume, hence why most heavy meat eaters suffer from regular constipation and ultimately die from stomach or bowel cancer. High protein vegetables and beans etc also contain high levels of fibre, so no constipation for us flesh free folk. Then there's "My Protein" Vegan blend. It's a mix of pea, rice and hemp proteins with a bit of coco added. It has a slightly odd flavour but I find I can digest it very we...

Nearly 2 months in and I'm doing ok.

I only made 1 New Year resolution. On the night of December 31st 2017 I declared and said out loud to myself that after 30 years as a vegetarian, I was not doing enough to reduce the suffering to other living beings, so from that day forwards I would give up the consumption of eggs and all dairy products. I told as many people as I could about my decision. It gives me strength because others can see my failure or success. 8 weeks later, I'm hanging in there. To give up one of the food pleasures of my life; CHEESE has been hard. There was nothing I liked more than a crisp fresh baguette and a lump of soft tangy blue cheese such as a St Agur, or a lovely ripe Brie along with a glass of a good french red. Cheese is the test. Oh how I dream of well grilled cheese on toast, all bubbling and slightly crispy. But then I think, What about the cows? What about the baby cows? So I make the decision to be strong, to say to myself that even though my tiny little sacrifice make...


The word ignorance means a lack of knowledge. It does not initially mean the person is stupid. I am for example ignorant of the Russian language. This simply means I've not learnt it. It does not mean I'm stupid, and if I decided to gain knowledge of Russian, then I would no longer be ignorant. Ignorance however can easily become stupidity. For example pescetarians. If it is just a diet where you believe that not eating meat but eating fish is better for your health, then you are simply someone who doesn't eat meat but does eat fish for what ever reason. If you label yourself as a pescetarian for any other reason, such as animal welfare then you are imo an idiot. Pescetarianism, or pesco-vegetarianism is an ism. It means you follow a belief system. An ideology. What ideology can that be? The one where you think a fish has less right to life than a chicken. So you won't eat a chicken but you will eat a fish.  What about really big fish such as tun...