To vegan or not to vegan. A vegetarian dilemma.

I'm not a vegan. However if Veganism was a religion, I would be a believer. Not just a believer but a preacher. I preach animal rights, the sanctity of ALL life, a meat free and cruelty free lifestyle, the Shame of factory farming and my disdain at those who consciously and knowingly choose to eat the dead flesh of other beings. My partner calls me a zealot. She says I am passionate, but can get so aggressive that i'm like a crazed religious nutcase. But how can we not be? How can we stand quietly when we see the truth, when we see the torture, the cruelty, the murder, when we see the reality of what the human species does to our fellow beings? It would be wonderful to be able to say I was vegan and for that statement to be true. I doubt there are many true vegans in the world. It is a badge many of us life long vegetarians have serious concerns about. For example, there are a multitude of definitions of what a vegan is on the interweb, however to me there can b...